Can Engagement Rings Have Colored Stones?

Can Engagement Rings Have Colored Stones?

When thinking about engagement rings, most people picture a classic diamond solitaire. Diamonds will always be timeless, however, there is a growing trend towards using colored stones in engagement rings, adding a unique and personal touch to this significant piece of jewelry.

A Brief History of Colored Stones in Engagement Rings

Colored gemstones have been used in jewelry for centuries, and their popularity in engagement rings is nothing new. Some of the most iconic engagement rings in history have featured colored stones. For example, Princess Diana's famous sapphire ring, now worn by Kate Middleton, has inspired many to consider alternatives to traditional diamond rings. 

Before De Beers revolutionized the jewelry industry in the mid-20th century, engagement rings were not necessarily adorned with diamonds. It was De Beers' famous "A Diamond is Forever" campaign launched in 1947 that firmly established diamonds as the quintessential gemstone for engagement rings. Prior to this, a variety of gemstones, including sapphires, emeralds, and rubies, were commonly used to symbolize love and commitment.

The Benefits of Colored Stones

  • Uniqueness:

    Colored stones offer a way to make an engagement ring truly unique. Each gemstone has its own distinct color and characteristics, making it easy to find something that perfectly matches the personality and style of the wearer.

  • Symbolism:

    Different colored stones can carry specific meanings or symbolism, adding an extra layer of personal significance to the ring. For instance, sapphires symbolize loyalty and trust, while emeralds represent rebirth and love.

  • Affordability:

    Depending on the type of gemstone, colored stones can be more affordable than diamonds of similar size and quality. This allows for the creation of a stunning and substantial engagement ring without breaking the bank.

  • Variety:

    With a wide range of colors and types of gemstones available, the options for designing a colored stone engagement ring are nearly limitless. This variety ensures that you can find something that perfectly suits your taste and budget.

 Popular Colored Stones for Engagement Rings

  • Sapphires:

    Known for their deep blue hue, sapphires are a popular choice for engagement rings. They are also available in a range of other colors, including pink, yellow, and green. Sapphires are incredibly durable, making them suitable for everyday wear.

    Sapphires symbolize wisdom, loyalty, and nobility. The blue sapphire, in particular, is associated with faithfulness and sincerity, making it a popular choice for engagement rings. Historically, sapphires were believed to protect the wearer from envy and harm.

  • Emeralds:

    With their rich green color, emeralds exude elegance and sophistication. They are slightly softer than sapphires and diamonds, so they require a bit more care, but their unique beauty makes them a worthwhile choice.

    Emeralds signify rebirth, renewal, and growth. They are often associated with spring and the renewal of life. Emeralds are also believed to promote fidelity and true love, making them a meaningful choice for an engagement ring.

  • Rubies:

    Rubies, with their vibrant red color, symbolize passion and love. They are almost as hard as sapphires and are highly resistant to scratches and daily wear.

    Rubies represent passion, love, and courage. The vibrant red color of the ruby is often associated with the heart and strong emotions, symbolizing a deep and passionate love. Rubies are also thought to bring good fortune and protection to the wearer.

  • Morganite:

    This pink to peach-colored gemstone has become increasingly popular in recent years. Morganite offers a delicate and romantic look, often set in rose gold to enhance its warm tones.

    Morganite represents love, compassion, and promise. The gentle pink hue of morganite is associated with emotions of caring and tenderness. It is often chosen to symbolize a loving and compassionate relationship.

  • Aquamarine:

    Known for its light blue color, aquamarine is a beautiful and serene choice for an engagement ring. It is relatively hard and durable, making it a practical option as well.

    Aquamarine symbolizes tranquility, harmony, and clarity. Its serene blue color is reminiscent of the ocean, bringing a sense of calm and peace. Aquamarine is also associated with clear communication and understanding in a relationship.

 Choosing the Right Colored Stone

 When selecting a colored stone for an engagement ring, there are a few important factors to consider:

  • Durability:

    Since engagement rings are worn daily, it's essential to choose a gemstone that can withstand everyday wear and tear. Harder stones like sapphires and rubies are excellent choices for their durability. Choose a stone that ranks high on the Moh’s Scale.

  • Color:

    The color of the gemstone should resonate with the wearer's personal style and preferences. Consider the shade, saturation, and hue of the stone to ensure it is the perfect fit.

  • Setting:

    The setting of the engagement ring can affect the overall appearance and security of the colored stone. Be sure to choose a setting that protects the gemstone while showcasing its beauty.

  • Budget:

    While colored stones can offer more affordable options compared to diamonds, prices can still vary significantly based on the type and quality of the gemstone. Establish a budget beforehand to help narrow down your choices.

 Stones to Avoid for Engagement Rings

While many colored stones make excellent choices for engagement rings, there are some that should be avoided due to their softness and susceptibility to damage. Stones such as opal, pearl, and turquoise are beautiful but are too soft to withstand the daily wear and tear an engagement ring typically endures. These gemstones can easily scratch, chip, or break, making them impractical for an engagement ring that is meant to be worn every day. If you love these stones, consider using them in jewelry that is worn less frequently or in protective ring settings.


If traditional diamonds are not for you, colored stones may provide a beautiful and distinctive alternative. With a wide range of options and the ability to infuse personal significance into the design, colored gemstones can make your engagement ring truly special. Let us help you find the perfect alternative engagement ring to symbolize your unique love story. Browse our exquisite colored gemstone rings and take note of what strikes your fancy. Contact us for specific guidance.



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